Paola Saccomandi

Assistant Professor
Department of Biomedical Engineering
university Campus Bio-Medico di Roma
Journal Associated: Archive of Biomedical Science and Engineering Biography:

Research Interest: Since 2008 Paola Saccomandi has been involved in research activities in the fields of biomedical instrumentations and measurements applied to medicine. From 2008 to 2011 she worked under the supervisio of Prof. Sergio Silvestri and Dr. Emiliano Schena in the fied of mechanical ventilation. In particular she worked on development of optoelectronic and fiber optic-based flow sensors, as well as on ventilatory gases humidification. In 2011 she started her main research activity in the field of laser ablation of cancer, with particular regard to pancreatic tumor. She developed a mathematic model aiming to predic effects of laser light o pancreas, in terms of ablated volume and temperature distribution. Since 2012 she has been investigating the field of invasive (fiber optic sensors, thermocouples) and non-ivasive (based on diagnostic images) thermometry for temperature monitoring during laser ablation of tumour. In this activity she is actively collaborating with the team of research of the Institute for Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology of J. W. Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main, headed by Prof. Thomas J. Vogl. Since 2013 she has been working in the fied of optical characterization of biological tissue, aiming to estimate optical properties of pancreas. She is collaborating with the team of Biophysics Institute J. W. Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main, headed by Prof. Werner Mäntele. In the framework of laser ablation for the removal of pancreatic cancer, she has participated at the study approved by UCBM Ethics Committee -ComEt UCBM-, Prot. N. 4011/2011. The study aims to treat with laser ablation patients with inoperable pancreatic cancer. Since 2014 she is also involved in the design and development of tactile sensors for robotic artificial prosthetics
