
    Open Access Clinical Image Article ID: ACMPH-2-107

    Ambulatory Monitoring of Blood Pressure in Occupational Hypertension

    Saturnino Suárez Ortega*, Noel Lorenzo Villalba and Saray Hernández Valiente

    Stress is considered to have a strong impact on changes in blood pressure through overproduction of catecholamines during working hours [1,2]. We are presenting the graphical behavior of blood pressure of two patients. In both cases hypertension is present exclusively during working hours. The first graphic correspond to a 39 year old nurse working 7 hours (Figure 1) and the second one, to a 46 year old engineer working from 8:00 am to 22:00 pm. In the second case, this period also included a two hour-lunch break and nap break.


    Published on: Feb 16, 2016 Pages: 8-8

    Full Text PDF Full Text HTML DOI: 10.17352/2455-5479.000007
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