ISSN: 2640-7582
International Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
Review Article       Open Access      Peer-Reviewed

Omega-3/omega-6 fatty acids: The effects on the psychophysical well-being of adolescents and adults

Giulio Perrotta*

Institute for the Study of Psychotherapies (I.S.P.), Via San Martino Della Battaglia N, 31, 00185, Rome, Italy
*Corresponding author: Giulio Perrotta, Institute for the Study of Psychotherapies (I.S.P.), Via San Martino Della Battaglia N, 31, 00185, Rome, Italy, E-mail:
Received: 01 January, 2023 | Accepted: 18 January, 2023 | Published: 19 January, 2023
Keywords: DHA; EPA; ALA. A; Omega-3; Omega-6; Dietary supplement

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Perrotta G (2023) Omega-3/omega-6 fatty acids: The effects on the psychophysical well-being of adolescents and adults. Int J Clin Endocrinol Metab 9(1): 008-018. DOI: 10.17352/ijcem.000057

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© 2023 Perrotta G. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.

Background: Fatty acids of the omega-3/omega-6 groups are used especially in cases of pregnancy, lactation, and malnutrition. In recent decades, pediatrics has been trying to find out whether the use of omega-3/omega-6 has effects on human growth and neurodevelopment.

Aims: Check the state of the art on the use of omega-3/omega-6 type fatty acids in the diet, in adolescent and adult populations.

Materials and methods: A total of 72 original articles on the topic of human growth and nutrition in pediatrics have been selected on PubMed through September 2022.

Results: In literature, the use of omega-3/omega-6, with greater prevalence in the former group than the latter group, appears to be most effective in hypertension hypothesis, dyslipidemia, and high C-reactive protein values, cardiovascular risk, and neuropathic pain, while appearing to have less impact on neurodegenerative (except in multiple sclerosis) and mental disorders (except in depression). Interesting benefits can be detected when combining omega-3/omega-6 with spirulina algae, chitosan, probiotics, vitamin D, fiber and plant extracts.

Conclusion: Significant evidence emerges on the importance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acid supplementation, but important structural shortcomings of research designs still emerge from the published studies; moreover, many studies assume that fatty acid supplementation can have a curative effect on already active diseases, when in fact such prescriptions should be considered as adjuvant therapies to prevent or promote symptomatic regression, precisely because of their anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and immunomodulating virtues. However, there is no concrete and robust evidence of the positive impact on psychological well-being. Future research that can resolve the critical issues highlighted is hoped to promote a better approach to the topic of omega-3/omega-6 supplementation in human health.

Background and aims


Fatty acids are aliphatic monocarboxylic acids derived from or contained in esterified form in a vegetable or animal fat, oil, or wax, and are divided into Short-Chain (SCFA), Medium-Chain (MCFA), Long-Chain (LCFA), or Very Long Chain (VLCFA), depending on the number of carbon atoms present [1]. α-linoleic acid (ALA), cervonic or docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), and thymnodonic or Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) are among the major fatty acids of the omega-3 group, which, together with arachidonic acid (AA) of the omega-6 group, are generally considered to be potent anti-inflammatory antioxidants and immunomodulators [2].

Introductory sources can be both animal (animal oils and fats, fish oil, especially cod liver, herring and oily fish, salmon, and in lesser amounts in cod, trout, and human milk) [3] and plant sources (corn seed oil, sunflower oil, nuts, transgenic Camelina sativa seed oil, CSOs [4,5], the blueberries [6] and microalgae [7]), both in natural and synthetic forms; in particular, n-3 PUFAs of marine and plant origin have different effects on erythrocyte fatty acid composition and regulation of glycolipid metabolism [8].

However, the exact dose to be administered has not been determined, although there are studies that emphasize both personalizations of therapy (as is the case with obese people, who may be affected by different assimilation/absorption due to their clinical condition [9]) and use at night, in that in the absence of dietary intake of EPA and DHA, circulating levels of these fatty acids decrease during the nighttime period and reach their lowest point in the morning, and therefore, overnight consumption of n-3 PUFAs, which counteracts this pattern, may have functional significance [10]. One study went on to focus on the assumption that Omega-3 (n-3) Fatty Acid (FA) supplements increase blood concentrations of EPA and DHA and that most supplements on the market are esterified to Triglycerides (TG) or Ethyl Esters (EE), which limits their absorption and may cause gastrointestinal side effects. With this in mind, and intending to compare the 24-hour plasma concentrations of EPA, DHA, and EPA+DHA when provided esterified in Monoglycerides (MAG), this study showed that the plasma concentration of n-3 FA in adults is higher after acute supplementation with n-3 FA esterified in MAG than in EE or TG, suggesting that with a lower dose of n-3 FA MAG, the plasma concentrations of n-3 FA achieved are similar to those achieved after higher doses of n-3 FA esterified in EE or TG [11].

Omega-3/omega-6 in adolescent and adult populations

In the literature, most studies published on the adolescent population focus on allergic disease and metabolic disorders such as diabetes (and its consequences), unlike the adult population, which also broadens the audience to include autoimmune diseases, neurodegenerative disorders, inflammatory and allergic disorders, and many others.

Specifically, in the obese adolescent (as well as in the adult) it has been shown that LCPUFA-ω3 supplementation does not affect body weight [12], although it results in improved muscle tone [13,14] (while reducing linoleylcarnitine [15]) and significant platelet aggregation [16]; on insulin values, studies are conflicting [12,17], however, if omega-3 is combined with acetylsalicylic acid there is an improvement in parameters in diabetes mellitus [18], even in the presence of Duchenne dystrophy [19].

The use of omega-3/omega-6 would also appear to be effective in regulating the effects of metabolic changes that lead to obesity [20], high blood pressure, and dyslipidemia (with little evidence regarding the impact on liver fat [21] (with a preference for DHA + EPA over ALA) [22], unless it is non-alcoholic fatty liver disease [23,24] (in which case it is suggested to add vitamin d3 to the omega-3 formulation [25]).

It has also been shown that the consumption of seed oils high in omega-6 polyunsaturated fat (PUFA), and linoleic acid (LA), contributes to low-grade inflammation, oxidative stress, endothelial dysfunction, and atherosclerosis [26] and not surprisingly, a low serum level of arachidonic acid (AA) was instead associated with an unfavorable functional outcome in patients with acute intracerebral hemorrhage [27].

Recent studies have shown that the combined dietary supplement of DHA / EPA improves the status of triglycerides and HDL, but can increase LDL levels compared to acid α-lipoic acid (ALA) if a low n-6 / n-3 ratio is not maintained [28]. Specifically, PUFAs with a low n-6 / n-3 ratio have been shown to significantly reduce triglyceride concentrations and increase HDL-cholesterol concentrations, while plant-derived n-3 PUFAs significantly reduce total cholesterol and LDL-cholesterol concentrations, and EPA and DHA n-3 PUFAs significantly reduce triglyceride concentrations and increase HDL-C concentrations [29].

Cardiac and vascular diseases have been studied for decades concerning the use of omega-3/omega-6, showing efficacy in cardiovascular risk, atherosclerosis, cardiac arrhythmic disorders, and cardiac ischemic forms, with greater preference for ALA over DHA and EPA and the latter over DHA, although there is a risk of increased fibrous plugin coronary atherosclerotic plaques, but only if supplemental omega-3 intake is < 3.5%, discouraging the combination of DHA + EPA + Acetylsalicylic Acid (although there is discordance) as capable of affecting cyclooxygenase activity in platelets [18,30-40].

Inflammatory diseases, which have high C-reactive protein values, also find benefits when treated with omega-3/omega-6 supplementation, demonstrating greater efficacy of EPA over DHA [41,42].

The therapeutic utility of omega-3/omega-6 use has also been demonstrated concerning the improvement of allergic symptoms of a muscular-tensive, neuropathic [43,44] or autoimmune nature from rheumatoid arthritis [16], and in cystic fibrosis [45], periodontitis [46], sperm motility [47], of male hypotestosteronism in overweight or obese individuals (but only when supplementing with DHA) [48] and the risk of preeclampsia [49,50] and placental disorders, but only in low-risk pregnancies and if supplementation occurs early in pregnancy and not late [51], as well as slowing the outcomes of maculopathy [52] and the disabling symptoms of dry eye syndrome [53].

Concerning about cognitive performance and psychological stability, there are encouraging results in the literature with respect to cognitive function [54] (although it would appear that DHA supplementation has efficacy on attention in ADHD [55-57], EPA supplementation has efficacy on long-term memory, working memory, and problem solving function [58,59], while DHA+EPA has efficacy on executive functions in Alzheimer-type dementia [60]), especially if DHA/EPA supplementation is combined with curcumin [61] and piperine [62]; on the other hand, the positive effect on psychiatric symptoms (anxiety, obsessive, depressive, psychotic and nonpsychotic in bipolar and eating disorders, with a higher positive EPA>DHA ratio for depressive symptoms) [63-80] and neurodegenerative disorders (such as Alzheimer’s and Multiple Sclerosis) [81-88], which might be affected by the placebo effect or a slight improvement brought about by the anti-inflammatory and oxidative effects of the administered fatty acids, appears less encouraging.

Materials and methods

We searched in PubMed Central, Internet Archive Scholar, CORE, CiteSeerX, Semantic Scholar, and Europe PMC, until September 30, 2022, for meta-analyses, clinical trials, and randomized controlled trials, using the keyword “omega-3/omega-6 fatty acids”, “DHA/EPA/ALA/AA”, “adolescent” and “adult”, content on the abstract and title, have been selected 10,675 useful results, of which 72 original articles were used for the present review as they focused on the topics of growth and neurodevelopment. A single reference (book) related to the analyzed topic from sources outside PubMed was added in the first note. Simple reviews, opinion contributions, or publications in popular volumes were excluded because they were irrelevant or redundant for this paper, and publications that did not present results or statistical samples but only research protocols and proposals, those that did not specifically address the topic of investigation, those with contradictory data, unreliable data, or otherwise with a deficient research design. The search was limited to English-language articles. No limit was placed on the year of publication, covering the time window from 1979 to the present period Figure 1.

Results, discussion and limitations

In the medical literature, omega-3/omega-6 supplementation is advisable, with proper precautions and specific purposes, although to date, the reference dietary intakes have not yet been established with certainty, and published studies have important structural shortcomings, such as frequent small sample sizes for each category evaluated, questionable quality of included studies, and technical error, as well as the noncomparability of blood levels of omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids and the possible influence of genetic factors (such as in the case of the presence of the APOEɛ4 -APOE4-allele that accelerates the oxidation of omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids -PUFAs- or in the hypothesis of the minor allele of rs3834458 in FADS2 that results in lower delta-6 desaturase activity leading to increased ALA and decreased EPA, DPA and DHA in the blood) and environmental. These limitations could qualitatively affect the conclusive results.

The use of omega-3/omega-6, with greater prevalence in the former group than the latter group, appears to be most effective in hypertension hypothesis, dyslipidemia, and high C-reactive protein values, although there is still debate about efficacy on inflammatory factors such as interleukin (IL)-6 and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α.

The impact on cardiovascular risk brought about by the addition of omega-3 to statin therapy also appears to be nonsignificant, although studies often consider only high-risk patients and not all other subjects as well, according to a rationale opposite to prevention, in fact leading to a potential bias that would lead one to believe on their no efficacy, when in fact they could have a preventive efficacy (even reduced or potential) on cardiovascular risk. In particular, studies show differentiation by type of morbid condition, modulating the prescription according to the specific clinical profile of the patient, since fatty acids of animal origin do not have the same function and effectiveness as those of marine and plant origin; in fact: if the former are more effective in reducing systolic blood pressure and dyslipidemia, the latter are better suited to intervene in erythrocyte fatty acid composition and regulation of glycolipid metabolism; if DHA has a greater anti-inflammatory effect, on the metabolic and nervous system, EPA has greater impact in the cardiovascular system and depressive and mood symptoms, but their DHA + EPA combination may not be suitable in the presence of coronary atherosclerotic plaques (as long as a low n-6/n-3 ratio is maintained), hypercholesterolemia with high LDL, coronary ischemic heart disease, and the presence of cardiac arrhythmias, and in such cases ALA supplementation is better; DHA + EPA + aspirin is always discouraged, because they might affect the activity of cyclooxygenase in platelets, and promote thrombotic episodes, in more predisposed individuals (smoking, obesity, dyslipidemia, genetic thrombophilia, and taking birth control pills).

In obesity then, the clinical picture becomes more complicated, as the factors at play are multiple, complex, and interlinked, although one study has nonetheless demonstrated a clinical benefit in the administration of DHA+EPA, as well as the use of spirulina algae, chitosan, probiotics, vitamin D, fiber, and plant extracts, to promote moderate weight loss, under controlled dietary intake.

The same discourse can also be applied to psychiatric symptomatology, which is affected as much by exact drug therapy as by the exact daily intake of the omega-3 supplement taken (as there is high subjective variability in the response to the supplement in erythrocytes plasma, and whole blood depending on different doses), but also to neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, which appear to be unaffected by DHA/EPA supplementation as much as glucose-insulin ratio, malnutrition, and hypovitaminosis; the exception appears to be Multiple Sclerosis, in which omega-3 and fish oil supplementation have beneficial effects on reducing relapse rates, inflammatory markers, and improving quality of life. Evidence on psychological well-being is not robust, although there are studies already cited that point to secondary effects in certain neurodegenerative pathologies and in anxiety and mood states Table 1.


Significant evidence emerges regarding the importance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acid supplementation in pregnancy and lactation, malnutrition states, inflammatory diseases, cardiac and vascular risk, neurodegenerative disorders, and mental disorders. However, while several findings are promising, important structural shortcomings of the research designs still emerge from the published studies; moreover, many studies assume that fatty acid supplementation can have a curative effect on already active diseases, when in fact such prescriptions should be considered as adjuvant therapies to prevent or promote symptomatic regression, precisely because of their anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and immunomodulatory virtues. Such findings could be capable of undermining the research results. However, there is no concrete and robust evidence of the positive impact on psychological well-being. Future research that can resolve the critical issues noted is hoped, to promote a better approach to the topic of omega-3/omega-6 supplementation, in human health.

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