
    Open Access Opinion Article ID: ACMPH-5-159

    StatesCare-The cure for patient healthcare

    Deane Waldman*

    Clinical physicians believe they are drowning . . . because they are! Between complying with an ever-changing landscapeof time-wasting federal regulations, avoiding Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act violations, plus the entire billing process, who can keep up with the literature, study a patient’s medical history, or even talk with a patient?

    Yet, here I am adding another task to a plate already overfl owing. Doctors are turning their backs on the sickest patient of all, named U.S. Healthcare System. The current attending physicians–Congress–have been treating this patient for more than fi fty years. More accurately, they have been poisoning the patient for half a century.


    Published on: Oct 21, 2019 Pages: 87-90

    Full Text PDF Full Text HTML DOI: 10.17352/2455-5479.000059
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